Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Contrary to what this entry might have you believe, I did not make a New Year's resolution to blog. I didn't make much of a New Year's resolution at all this year because they typically just make me feel like a complete failure by about February. But I do want to make some personal changes, and I thought I could document those here. Also, someone told me the other day that my Facebook statuses never failed to make him laugh, which surprised me...a lot, actually. It's true that I typically don't post a status unless it's important or funny to me, but I really didn't think they amused others that much. I don't know...maybe he was just over-intoxicated when he said that.

In any case...here are some personal "goals." NOT resolutions.

-Become a more out-going person: This is much easier said than done for me. It depends on who I'm around, the situation, my mood...a whole mess of things. I envy people are who are nice and out-going ALL the time, no matter who they are around or what the situation. I usually feel like a wall-flower...it's a social handicap. I think about the friends I have now that I've met in the past 2 years and how long it took me to really warm up to them. With the lessons I've learned about how quickly things and people can be taken away, I feel like it's wasting time to be shy. I have met some of the best of friends under some of the worst of circumstances. Days I would never want to see again but friends who I trust as much as those I've known for 20+ years. My life is not complete without real, lasting friendships, and the more deep relationships I can make, the happier I am. So why waste time being shy & introverted?

-Don't sweat the small stuff: I'm a worrier. I worry about absolutely everything. I try on a regular basis to stop worrying, but I haven't been very successful at it. My wonderful mom has talked me through so many situations that if I just let them play out, I would have realized what trivial matters they were that worked themselves out. This year, mostly near the end of the year, I began to realize that I have a real issue with sweating the small stuff. I worry over stuff that doesn't matter in the "big picture." I worry with money, my job, whether or not my dog is tearing up my house while I'm gone, and so much other silly stuff. I am tired of putting so much emphasis on money...even when I feel like I have extra money, it doesn't make my life any better than when I am stretching for pennies. I know a whole lot of people who I would consider "wealthy," but then I hear stories about their real lives, and I realize I'm so much better off. I'm kind of tired of living with the idea the "grass is always greener" mentality. It's time to be thankful for the blessings I have and realize that in the long run, very few things matter besides your personal relationship with God, earthly relationships with friends & family (and dogs), and everything past that is a moot point when all is said and done.

-Be a better friend: Sometimes I don't feel worthy of the amazing friendships I have. I feel like I take them for granted, even though I of all people should know by now how quickly life can be taken away. I hate the fact that sometimes I think in my head, "Wow, her hair looks really pretty today" or "he looks really nice in that outfit" and never say it out-loud to someone. What if that's the one statement that turns someone's really awful day into a decent day? What if they, like I have experienced many days, looked in the mirror and thought bad thoughts about their appearance and it totally started their day off on a awful note? I could be the one to turn it around, but they go on having their worst day ever because I didn't bother to say what I was thinking! Sometimes I also forget little details, half-listen, give half-hearted advice...all things I would never want a friend to do to me.

-Pray more and trust God like I should: It's been proven so many times. All you have to do is pray. But I don't...in fact, I will guiltily admit I've used it as a tool to fall asleep before. But when I really reach the end of my rope about something and finally decide to turn it over to God, it always ends well. My prayers are always answered, and I feel stupid for not having trusted God to help me sooner. I can't fix things by myself. I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to learn that lesson.

That's about it. 2009 wasn't a terrible year. For a lot of people it was a year of healing. For some people it was a year of struggles. Some people were able to bounce back from tough times. I've had better years, and I've had worse years. Here's to making 2010 your best year yet...and that's my ultimate "goal."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall's a Ball!

Not that anyone really reads this, but I felt like procrastinating a little bit and blogging about life so far.

Of course, the most important part of fall is UGA football. Is there anything better? And this season has been no exception. I love the highs and lows of college football. Starting out ranked #1, losing to Bama, and then posting some big wins up to this point...it's exciting, and a great escape from the real world! Here is my favorite picture of the season so far. Keep in mind that this weekend is Georgia/Florida in Jacksonville though, so this one could easily be topped!
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And just to make my anticipation of this weekend even greater, here's a picture of past fun times in good ol' Jacksonville, courtesy of Uncle Bob!
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I can't wait. I'm leaving straight from work and hitting the airport...JAX bound!

There is so much going on right now it's crazy. Last night, I went to the NKOTB concert next door at the Arena. I actually coordinated a pre-show meet and greet in the Convention Center and got to shake their hands! They were whisked away pretty quickly, but it was good stuff. I have to say...best concert I've ever been to. I've never felt energy like that...even at the most exciting football games I've ever been to. It was great...especially the 30-somethings that you could tell had not been out of the house since their last kid was born. BLOCKHEAD '08. HA.

Last weekend was chaotic. We had the first annual Ella's Run and Fun Run, which was a huge success. It got tons of media coverage and had a great attendance. It's so exciting to be part of such a great organization in memory and honor of Meredith.
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This is the trail marker dedicated to Meredith. It is gorgeous, and it is the main trail at the Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center in Buford.

Talk about alter egos...I went from philanthropist to skanky school girl in just a few hours for the most swanky Halloween party I've ever been to. Here's a snapshot:
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3 School Girls and their principal...Principal Licaminor.

So there is an update on life. It's fun, busy, exhausting...lots of things in one!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Have You Forgotten

September 11, 2001:

I was a sophomore at UGA living in Oglethorpe House, or O'House as it was lovingly called. My roommate was Laurin Davis, and it was our second year living together. I had an early math class, Pre-Calculus, which I loathed and was struggling with big time. I never got the hang of scheduling my classes late enough to where I could sleep in, but Laurin always did, so I was usually the first one up in the mornings. We shared a very small room and had a small bathroom area that we shared with our suitemates. Almost every single day, I would wake up and turn on the news, but I didn't that morning because Laurin was still sleeping, and my hairdryer was loud enough! I also never got the hang of going straight from bed to class, so I spent a good hour and a half getting myself ready for a 9:05 class. Another thing I never mastered was getting to class right as it started. I was always about 15 minutes early, but I always enjoyed sitting outside on campus in the mornings. I can't remember exact times, but I'm sure that as I was walking to my class, the first plane hit the World Trade Center. By the time class started, the second plane had hit. We had no idea any of this was going on. In fact, I sat in class for an hour and 15 minutes having no clue what was going on.

When class was over, I headed down to toutoring because I was having such a hard time at pre-cal. I didn't check my phone...I was just going to get the toutoring over with so I could have the afternoon to myself. When I got to Milledge Hall, the lady at the front desk looked at me like I was crazy as I was signing in. She said, "Honey, we are not toutoring today. All classes and meetings have been cancelled because of the attacks." I had no clue. I thought she meant there had been an attack on UGA or something. They were watching TV in the next room, and I stood there in complete and total shock as I watched the footage from everything I had missed that morning.

The rest of the day was so strange. My mom was at a huge conference in downtown Atlanta and was having a hard time getting back. I remember talking to my dad not knowing what to do. I wanted to go home, but people were in such a panic that he didn't want me driving. I remember riding around Athens with a few of my close friends looking for somewhere to donate blood. All the lines were hours long, so we never got to do it. People were shocked. I remember the patriotism in the following weeks/months. UGA did all kinds of memorials and tributes. There were hundreds of specials and documentaries on TV. One in particular really struck home. Our chorus had taken a trip to NYC my junior year of high school to sing at Carnegie Hall. As I was watching a documentary about a recruit training with the fire department that lost so many men, I realized that the little store they set up as a headquarter area was the little amish bakery that we had eaten at every single day while we were in New York. I recognized the areas around the WTC, as we had ridden the subway in and out of there for our whole trip. The hotel we stayed at, the Marriot, collapsed with the towers. It was a completely surreal experience. I could never have guessed we would begin a war that next March which would last until present day. My dad saw the war start but never saw its end.

September 11, 2008:
Life is completely different. I still think about what happened that day and wonder why. Driving to work this morning, many of the radio stations were playing the songs that came out around that time. I still cry when I think about what happened and what it has meant for our country. People became more involved in politics and what was going on in our country. People became more patriotic. People became scared and anxious that it would happen again. I remember being on high terror alert everywhere: the airport, large sporting events, etc. We were scared of the terrorists. We kept hearing, "If you're too scared, the terrorists have won," yet everywhere we go, we're reminded to be on high alert. I don't think about that day as much except when I hear a song on the radio or around a patriotic holiday. I try to be more involved in politics, and a deciding factor in picking a candidate is who would you want on your side in the midst of a crisis.

I think a lot has changed in our world. Issues are more global, or maybe I'm just paying more attention. There are some serious changes that need to be made in our world. Do I think Pres. Bush did a great job? Not in his second term. Do I think that our country is doomed? Not at all. We are a resilient country that has been through so much at a very young age. With so many issues to consider home and abroad, I think this is one of the most important presidential elections ever. I think that the voter turnout will be bigger than ever. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

For Everything There Is A Season...

It's been forever since I blogged because I am a terrible blogger. Hey, at least I admit it. I'm going to try and do it more often, but it's really for my benefit only, so why do I care if you care?!

But I thought I'd update because life is good, and I want to write about it! We go through so many different season in our lives, and I am trying to make a conscious effort to stop and appreciate each season, even the ones that aren't so great.

I recently moved into my own house. For the first week, I really thought I was going to hate it. The noises scared me, I missed my old room, I missed my mom...and yes, I realize she's right down the driveway, but it's still very different. Now, I love it. I miss my space when I'm not there, and I've learned that I have a love of vaccuuming. I can't help it that I like the little lines in a freshly vacuumed carpet! I do realize I have OCD tendencies. I love my new towels, my living room, and my kitchen! I love that everytime I come home, someone has left a new present either in the garage or in the house. I call it the "Magic House Fairy" but fully realize that it's because I'm lucky to have people who love me so very much. I came home to find a new vaccuum cleaner the other day, a table with a tablecloth that matches the living room perfectly, and brand new towels that somehow match the very strange shade of pinkish tan in my bathroom! I still hear weird noises, but I'm loving it now. I even liked taking the trashcans to the top of the driveway on Thursday for the garbage men. I get excited anytime I go to the mailbox and have mail that is not a bill (few and far between!). I haven't learned to cook yet, and I don't have pots and pans. I loved buying flatware and organizing it in the drawer. I feel a sense of freedom now that I can spread out and not feel so cluttered. I mean, I went from one bedrooms to an entire house!

I'm also taking a renewed interest in this year's presidential race. The primaries did not intrest me much. I was a Huckabee fan and knew there was no way he'd win the nomination. However, the more I learn about John McCain, the more I like him. There are always going to be critisisms and who's to say it won't turn out like the last time? I have never been so energized as after hearing Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC on Wednesday night. She is a breath of fresh air. Yes, she's all of a sudden wildly popular, must like Barack Obama. However, the difference is that she has real substance. She can answer the tough questions. She has a proven track record and an 80% approval rating. I don't care if there are 10 people in Alaska...that means out of those 10 people, 8 approve of her, which is far over the majority. How many governers can say that? I like her appeal to a wide array of groups: parents of special needs children (and I do believe there is a shortage of proponents for this group), middle class, small town Americans, hockey moms, military moms, the list goes on and on. The audience is extremely diverse when the camera pans around at the RNC. War vets, African Americans, cowboys, young people...it's refreshing. She did a smashing speech, and most of it was without the use of a teleprompter. The fact that she was so eloquent shooting straight from the hip amazed me. She has a beautiful family, and like she pointed out, they are just like any other American family with their joys and sorrows. Her daughter is very brave being in the public spotlight with her situation. Is it ideal? Not at all. Is it something that a growing number of American families are dealing with? Absolutely. Her stance on pro-life is also admirable, and she illustrates it in real life with her newest son, Trig. When questioned about how she could raise a large family and do her job as vice president, the response was that she was up for the challenge, and would they be asking that questions if she were a male? Probably not. Double standards still exist, and she'll be dealing with them through her entire career.

Enough on that. I could go on and on about her political stances, great poise, grace under fire. But I won't because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how wrong they might be. Ha.

In other news, my friends are getting married, having babies, and I'm not even worried about it. I'm very happy for all of them but don't feel the pressure whatsoever. I am no where near ready and can't imagine being ready in the near future. But who knows. Maybe it stings you like a bee and all of a sudden you can't get rid of the itch! Whew, I hope not.

That's about all for now. Football season, a new house, and work are keeping me relatively busy, and I am loving it!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Here's how it works:
1. Go to http://www.photobucket.com/ (don't sign in)
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Use only the first page
4. Copy the html and paste for the answer.

1. What's your first name?
2. What school do you go to?

3. What is your relationship status?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
Seth Meyers
6. What band are you listening to right now?
7. What is your favorite movie?
mean girls
8. What is your favourite disney princess?
9. Name an alcoholic beverage.
10. where is your dream vacation?
11. What do you love most in life?
13. One word to describe yourself?

14. What is your favorite sport?
15. What is your ideal pet?
16. What is your favorite drinking game?
Circle of Death
17. What is your most-used cuss word?
18. What is your all-time favorite TV show?
Saved By the Bell
19. What zoo animal would you most like to be?
20. What do you do for a living?
21. Where is your next planned vacation?
22. What is your favorite food?
23. What is your favorite article of clothing?
24. What is your least favorite film of all time?
25. What is your favorite TV Show?
26. What is your favorite musical?
The Producers
27. What is the last food you ate?
28. What is your favorite indulgence?
29. What do you collect?
30. What is your favorite kind of dog?
King Charles Spaniel
31. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Oreo Cookie
32. What kind of car do you drive?
Grand Cherokee red left
33. What is your dream car?
34. What was your favorite boy band?
New Kids on the Block
35. What is your favorite reality show?
Big Brother
36. Who is your favorite American Idol judge?
Randy Jackson

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A few random ramblings as I sit at work for a 12 (at least) hour shift on this lovely, gray and dreary Saturday...today I'm going to try bullet points...

-I've started singing on the praise team at church. While I feel honored because I really respect our director as pretty much a musical genius, it also terrifies me. I'm a person who wants the truth, good or bad. Do I really believe someone is going to tell me whether or not I really suck? This is church singing, after all. Isn't the old motto to make a joyful noise? I want my noise to be joyful and pretty, and if I find out people are lying to me about sounding good, I'm going to get angry in the name of Jesus! Unfortunately, I need a lot of affirmation about certain things, and singing is one of them. I've never believed I was a musical talent. I can play the piano OK, read music well, and stay on pitch, but I never feel like it's "good enough." Oh well...there is always someone who is better. For now, I'll hold my mic with a death grip and smile. Maybe no one will notice if I end up on the wrong pitch. :) On a side note, as I type this, a Baptist hymnal and a praise and worship songbook lay to my left on my desk. I'm sure my co-workers who pass by wonder if we're gonna break out in a baptist church service today. I'll take the back pew for that, please.

-I'm still considering buying a home. I think the timing is right, but I'm worried about affording it. I've never really had to worry about money, and believe me, I know what a blessing that is. I've never owed money or had any kind of serious bills. I always pay things off and have no debt...so it's kind of killing me to think how much I'll owe each month. All of this worry would totally be solved if I found a suitable roommate. I'm praying my buddy from college gets a job up my way, but I'm not holding my breath. A lot of the good law jobs are closer to the city, and I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to commit to that commute! However, hopefully something will work out. I love the house, and it's on the street I've grown up on. Yeah, it's at the top of the driveway I currently reside at. I don't see a big deal with that. It will be MINE. Not Mom's or anyone else's. While I'm ready to be on my own again, I'm not totally ready to move away from my family and neighbors, so this seems like the perfect solution. Plus, fenced in backyard for a puppy if I'm ever brave enough to take that on!

-I'm considering dieting again. I got pictures back from a friend's wedding from last April where I was a co-maid of honor. I had lost a ton of weight and actually am OK with the way I looked in those pictures, which is a new concept for me. Anyway, even though I haven't gained a lot of it back, I'm not where I was, and there is another wedding coming up quickly! I hate diets, and I wish I could just learn to better control my eating, but food is SO FREAKING GOOD. Case in point, I ate pizza with the neighbors last night and totally overdid it...not even counting the cookies for dessert! And I'm about to eat the leftovers for lunch. So take that. I love food way too much. And hello? What is a good weekend without Mexican food and margaritas?? Please!

-My great aunt's been in the hospital this week. She's ninety freaking four years old. She's actually fine, but it's comical to hear the nurses come in and start talking as loud as they can to her thinking she's a feeble old lady. She patiently waits for them to finish and then calmly explains that she hears better than the average young person and doesn't need them screaming in her ear. So funny. She's in pain, but hopefully after Monday everything will be fixed and she'll go home. You would think that would seem good for me that I actually have a relative who lived over the age of 60, but of course, she's not blood related.

-Can we just talk about how the combination of Big Brother and Idol being on at the same time is ruining my life? While that may be a little dramatic, I am still trying to figure out how to watch all these shows. It's not bad enough that they come on virtually the same nights, 3 times a week, but at the same time too!!! Poor planning! I'm having to prioritize my DVR schedule, and that just ain't right! I'm currently watching Idol, Big Brother, Survivor, Project Runway, & Lipstick Jungle. I focus all my anger towards the writer's strike because it is there fault that Big Brother had to break their normal trend of being during the summer. Stupid writers and their greedy selves.

-I'm currently tired of work. It was a slow week, albeit a 4 day week, and now I'm here on a Saturday for half of an entire day. There are things I need to be doing! They all relate to my bulleted points I noticed. I need to be near a piano to make sure I'm learning the right notes for tomorrow, I need to catch up on recorded shows from this week, and I need to go by the hospital and see my aunt. In the words of Jessie Spano: "NO TIME, THERE'S NEVER ANY TIME!" That was a smart girl.

I'm hitting a wall of exhaustion currently. My eyes are squinty, and I would prefer to curl up in a ball under my cube. No one would know.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's Just Be Honest...

I'm just going to go ahead and be brutally honest right off the bat. I'm not a writer. I mean, I consider myself mostly well-read, pretty well-spoken, and even a little intelligent. But I'm not a writer. Sure, I won writing contests at good old Buford Elementary, but come on...I could read and write when I was 3. I remember getting papers back in college...grammer, punctuation, spelling...I always got high marks. Content...notsomuch...

But I like to write. Just because I'm not good at it doesn't mean I don't like it. I like getting my thoughts out. I'd love to be able to say what I'm thinking and get feedback...good or bad! Mostly good though. Be gentle. I consider myself pretty funny...it just doesn't always translate into my writing. So bear with me because who even knows how long this will last!

Let's talk about growing up and being an adult. Last thing I know I'm in college wondering where I'm going to drink my next margarita and what movie to rent on Friday night. Now here I am with a real, grown up job, contemplating buying a house, watching my friends get married and have babies, and tracking my finances. When did this happen?! Am I OK with this? At first I totally wasn't, but the more I think about it, the more content I get with being old. I was thinking lately about how things have changed in the last few years...football tickets used to cost me $50 for a season package and prime seats, and today I'm spending over $1,000 to be barely inside the stadium. WHAT!? Yesterday I was watching my bank account magically fill itself each month without me having to lift a finger, and now here I am tracking my spending and worrying with pennies. It wasn't too long ago that I'd leave the house at 9 and get back in plenty of time to watch Days of Our Lives, Oprah, and Dr. Phil. Now it's the 6 o'clock news, and I don't have any clue what's up with Hope and Bo or what spawn of Stefano is running around Salem committing crimes and starting affairs. And not too long ago, I was waking up at 8, enjoying a nice 2 hour nap around 3, and going to bed around midnight. Now I get up a lot of mornings around 5 am, don't get home until 6 pm, and am positively too exhausted to have any kind of fun on Friday nights. I clearly remember having more vacation than I ever knew what to do with, and now I'm scrapping around to take a full weekend off. I went to church on Wednesdays to BE taught, and now I'm the one TEACHING(side note: yes, I learn more than you can imagine from a group of 3-4 year olds, I'll grant you that...). I'm thinking more about buying houses, saving money, 401Ks, a career, and sleep instead of movies, class, and how to get into a bar without a valid ID! Babies I once kept in the nursery at church are getting cars and DRIVING.
And I'm ok with it. I'm having fun being a grown up. Sure, the worries are different, I'm throwing baby showers and wedding showers instead of 21st birthday parties, but I'm thouroughly enjoying it. I've grown into myself and the person I've always wanted to be. I'm not there yet, and who knows if I'll ever get all the way there, but I'm getting closer! I have a great family, amazing friends, a good job, and more love around me than I could have ever hoped for. Life is good, and I can't complain (much!).
So as far as first blogs go, I'm calling it a day on this one...