Friday, September 5, 2008

For Everything There Is A Season...

It's been forever since I blogged because I am a terrible blogger. Hey, at least I admit it. I'm going to try and do it more often, but it's really for my benefit only, so why do I care if you care?!

But I thought I'd update because life is good, and I want to write about it! We go through so many different season in our lives, and I am trying to make a conscious effort to stop and appreciate each season, even the ones that aren't so great.

I recently moved into my own house. For the first week, I really thought I was going to hate it. The noises scared me, I missed my old room, I missed my mom...and yes, I realize she's right down the driveway, but it's still very different. Now, I love it. I miss my space when I'm not there, and I've learned that I have a love of vaccuuming. I can't help it that I like the little lines in a freshly vacuumed carpet! I do realize I have OCD tendencies. I love my new towels, my living room, and my kitchen! I love that everytime I come home, someone has left a new present either in the garage or in the house. I call it the "Magic House Fairy" but fully realize that it's because I'm lucky to have people who love me so very much. I came home to find a new vaccuum cleaner the other day, a table with a tablecloth that matches the living room perfectly, and brand new towels that somehow match the very strange shade of pinkish tan in my bathroom! I still hear weird noises, but I'm loving it now. I even liked taking the trashcans to the top of the driveway on Thursday for the garbage men. I get excited anytime I go to the mailbox and have mail that is not a bill (few and far between!). I haven't learned to cook yet, and I don't have pots and pans. I loved buying flatware and organizing it in the drawer. I feel a sense of freedom now that I can spread out and not feel so cluttered. I mean, I went from one bedrooms to an entire house!

I'm also taking a renewed interest in this year's presidential race. The primaries did not intrest me much. I was a Huckabee fan and knew there was no way he'd win the nomination. However, the more I learn about John McCain, the more I like him. There are always going to be critisisms and who's to say it won't turn out like the last time? I have never been so energized as after hearing Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC on Wednesday night. She is a breath of fresh air. Yes, she's all of a sudden wildly popular, must like Barack Obama. However, the difference is that she has real substance. She can answer the tough questions. She has a proven track record and an 80% approval rating. I don't care if there are 10 people in Alaska...that means out of those 10 people, 8 approve of her, which is far over the majority. How many governers can say that? I like her appeal to a wide array of groups: parents of special needs children (and I do believe there is a shortage of proponents for this group), middle class, small town Americans, hockey moms, military moms, the list goes on and on. The audience is extremely diverse when the camera pans around at the RNC. War vets, African Americans, cowboys, young's refreshing. She did a smashing speech, and most of it was without the use of a teleprompter. The fact that she was so eloquent shooting straight from the hip amazed me. She has a beautiful family, and like she pointed out, they are just like any other American family with their joys and sorrows. Her daughter is very brave being in the public spotlight with her situation. Is it ideal? Not at all. Is it something that a growing number of American families are dealing with? Absolutely. Her stance on pro-life is also admirable, and she illustrates it in real life with her newest son, Trig. When questioned about how she could raise a large family and do her job as vice president, the response was that she was up for the challenge, and would they be asking that questions if she were a male? Probably not. Double standards still exist, and she'll be dealing with them through her entire career.

Enough on that. I could go on and on about her political stances, great poise, grace under fire. But I won't because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how wrong they might be. Ha.

In other news, my friends are getting married, having babies, and I'm not even worried about it. I'm very happy for all of them but don't feel the pressure whatsoever. I am no where near ready and can't imagine being ready in the near future. But who knows. Maybe it stings you like a bee and all of a sudden you can't get rid of the itch! Whew, I hope not.

That's about all for now. Football season, a new house, and work are keeping me relatively busy, and I am loving it!

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