Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's Just Be Honest...

I'm just going to go ahead and be brutally honest right off the bat. I'm not a writer. I mean, I consider myself mostly well-read, pretty well-spoken, and even a little intelligent. But I'm not a writer. Sure, I won writing contests at good old Buford Elementary, but come on...I could read and write when I was 3. I remember getting papers back in college...grammer, punctuation, spelling...I always got high marks. Content...notsomuch...

But I like to write. Just because I'm not good at it doesn't mean I don't like it. I like getting my thoughts out. I'd love to be able to say what I'm thinking and get feedback...good or bad! Mostly good though. Be gentle. I consider myself pretty just doesn't always translate into my writing. So bear with me because who even knows how long this will last!

Let's talk about growing up and being an adult. Last thing I know I'm in college wondering where I'm going to drink my next margarita and what movie to rent on Friday night. Now here I am with a real, grown up job, contemplating buying a house, watching my friends get married and have babies, and tracking my finances. When did this happen?! Am I OK with this? At first I totally wasn't, but the more I think about it, the more content I get with being old. I was thinking lately about how things have changed in the last few tickets used to cost me $50 for a season package and prime seats, and today I'm spending over $1,000 to be barely inside the stadium. WHAT!? Yesterday I was watching my bank account magically fill itself each month without me having to lift a finger, and now here I am tracking my spending and worrying with pennies. It wasn't too long ago that I'd leave the house at 9 and get back in plenty of time to watch Days of Our Lives, Oprah, and Dr. Phil. Now it's the 6 o'clock news, and I don't have any clue what's up with Hope and Bo or what spawn of Stefano is running around Salem committing crimes and starting affairs. And not too long ago, I was waking up at 8, enjoying a nice 2 hour nap around 3, and going to bed around midnight. Now I get up a lot of mornings around 5 am, don't get home until 6 pm, and am positively too exhausted to have any kind of fun on Friday nights. I clearly remember having more vacation than I ever knew what to do with, and now I'm scrapping around to take a full weekend off. I went to church on Wednesdays to BE taught, and now I'm the one TEACHING(side note: yes, I learn more than you can imagine from a group of 3-4 year olds, I'll grant you that...). I'm thinking more about buying houses, saving money, 401Ks, a career, and sleep instead of movies, class, and how to get into a bar without a valid ID! Babies I once kept in the nursery at church are getting cars and DRIVING.
And I'm ok with it. I'm having fun being a grown up. Sure, the worries are different, I'm throwing baby showers and wedding showers instead of 21st birthday parties, but I'm thouroughly enjoying it. I've grown into myself and the person I've always wanted to be. I'm not there yet, and who knows if I'll ever get all the way there, but I'm getting closer! I have a great family, amazing friends, a good job, and more love around me than I could have ever hoped for. Life is good, and I can't complain (much!).
So as far as first blogs go, I'm calling it a day on this one...

1 comment:

IGA said...

Yeah, I don't see the big deal about growing really just means less money (and now you have to work for it) and more wrinkles. I don't think we should worry until our first shots of botox.